Our immediate aim is to alert the community to a fatal flaw in the NSW Government’s plans for the Western Harbour and Beaches Link tunnels. Your support is needed, and greatly appreciated.
Every dollar donated is used to share, explain and distribute accurate information about the avoidable traffic chaos that the NSW Government plans to inflict on North Sydney.
Donations of $50 or more include membership of the Association for the Committee for North Sydney.
On behalf of all who will enjoy a better city centre – Thank You!
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You can help spread the word by clicking Like and Follow on our Facebook page.
You can expand the network by clicking Follow on our Twitter page.
And you can defend the city centre by clicking the button above – small amounts all help!
The Committee for North Sydney would like to hear from you, and to keep you informed of issues and events.
Let us know what you think —
- please write a few words in the comment box (bottom of the page)
OR - just click on our email address: info@committeefornorthsydney.org.au